Nicole Muther

Product designer

Select works 2022


I've spent the last decade designing experiences and digital products at agencies, startups, and hyper growth companies. I've learned a lot — mostly, how much deeper there is to go.

In 2020, I pitched a new concept that reimagines Credit Karma for Gen Z.

When Credit Karma was founded, credit scores were hard to find and costly. Today, the industry has caught up to make scores free and accessible.

We began seeing lower rates of engagement with younger Millennials coming onto the platform. So, we went on an exploratory journey to answer a broad and ambiguous question: How would you redesign Credit Karma for Gen Z?

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Two mocks of the Gen Z prototype. One shows the Profile page, and another shows the Home page.
Executing a vision
I helped bring Credit Karma's vision of automated finance to reality.

A small team built a Beta experience of our company's 5-year vision, based on real member needs, near-term product functionality, and business goals.

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A photo of 3 mocks from the Beta prototype. One shows the splash screen welcoming a user to Credit Karma Money Beta, the others show different interactive states of the Homepage
Optimizing product
A few tweaks in our activation flow helped people more easily add money to their checking account.

My job as Growth Design Lead was to design lightweight experiments that meaningfully drive us closer towards our goals. Our team leveraged behavioral science to thoughtfully ship a series of quick experiments that help people use their accounts.

Product screenshots of 3 lightweight experiments we ran that help people add money to their accounts.
0-1 feature delivery
I've designed and delivered experiences that scale access to financial progress.

Credit Builder

This feature helps members build credit while saving money - for free.

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Credit Karma International

In the United Kingdom, Brits have a different mental model of credit than in the US. This MVP focuses on driving awareness and relevance of credit.

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Loans Marketplace

People in different financial segments anchor on various datapoints when shopping for a personal loan. This redesign anchors on user flexibility, and standardized shopping interactions across the Credit Karma ecosystem.

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Leading teams
I've led a core team among 100+ volunteers to deliver personalized voting tools for 1 out of 3 Americans.

From blue sky to MVP, I drove a quick launch and agile iteration cycle towards Nov 8, 2020. We simplified access to voter registration and guided people towards casting their ballot in all 50 states.

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Screenshots of Design Plan, Agile Release Plan, and Voter Roadmap UI.
Systemizing craft
I've learned a few tricks that help standardize design excellence.

- Tools that align people on a shared goal & plan
- Critique norms for healthy and constructive discourse
- Sprint rituals that enable fun and repeatable outcomes
- Design systems as a shared language and vehicle for quality